Brooke Kim Art



Brooke Kim Tittle is a ceramic artist located in Sisters, Oregon.

Originally from Salt Lake City, she was a photographer for years before taking a ceramics course at the University of Utah in the Spring of 2014. She instantly loved the magic of ceramics and realized she had finally found her medium. She studied for two years under Diane Shaw at the historic Stoker School in Bountiful before continuing to create in her own private studio.

She prefers the processes of sculpting, slip casting, and hand building – nothing she makes is thrown on the wheel. Her finishes are created with a combination of colored clay and glaze. 

Original Ceramic ART


I love the mystery of creating with clay. The process – from imagining to shaping and firing – is wonderfully surprising and unique every time. When forming a piece, I find the clay tells me what it wants to become, its opinion as important as my own. 
In my personal life, I like careful planning and definitive answers. By contrast, in ceramics I enjoy the freedom of controlled chaos, of fluid creation. The merging of ethereal vision, raw material and firey transformation always rewards me with unexpected beauty.

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